Hunting is one of the most regulated sports in the world. In order to hunt in a safe way for both you and the immediate environment, any hunter needs to be aware of the legislation in their area. Each state has its own agency that establishes the laws for the wildlife in the region.
There is a different U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service for most states and they have specific regulations according to the type of wildlife that thrives in the climate of that state. In some jurisdictions, this agency that is in charge of wildlife and activities of the wildlife might come in different names as well according to the area you are in.
What does a wildlife management agency do?
The main purpose of a wildlife management agency is to offer hunters the safety they need while at the same time, protecting the animal population in the area. Such an agency will also analyze the regulations imposed by the Government and the way these laws impact both hunters and animal life in the state.
One of the most important tasks of a wildlife management agency is to create potential, additional guidelines that will mediate between the general laws and the specific wildlife in the area. They will make sure endangered species are protected and the hunting seasons are established properly, according to the needs of the environment.
These agencies will not discourage hunters from following their passion. But they will make sure that their hunting passion will not damage or endanger a species in the area they are responsible for.
But these agencies are responsible for their own state and they have no authority in other states. So, certain hunting regulations that might apply to your area, will not necessarily apply to all the other regions. This is why it is crucial to follow the guidelines of the local wildlife management agency in your state before you perform such a hobby.
Who sets the hunting regulation for the United States?
Besides the local wildlife management agencies that can be found and accessed by hunters in most states, there is an authority that establishes the general hunting laws for the United States of America.
The agency in charge of general hunting rules over the U.S is the Fish & Wildlife Service of the United States (USFWS). This agency looks over the natural resources of the country and makes sure they are not damaged during hunting seasons. The Fish and Wildlife Service has a representative office in each state of the country as well and it is responsible for both sea life and wildlife on the land as well as other natural resources.
This official group is in charge of establishing any fees or other sanctions across the country if any of the hunting regulations were not respected.
Another task of the USFWS is to adjust the regulations and laws regarding hunting activities according to the changes in the environment and the impact hunting activities have on different species.
Besides hunting regulations, USFWS has other responsibilities related to fish and wildlife in the country. They make sure different species have the proper environment and natural conditions to exist and thrive. This agency is also responsible for restoring wildlife areas in the country as well as fisheries.
What can happen if hunting would not be a regulated activity
Left with no laws and regulations, hunters would not know what guidelines to follow. This would have a direct effect on hunters’ safety as many accidents would take place during hunting seasons unless the hunters followed certain safety guidelines.
On the other hand, unregulated hunting represents a danger to the ecosystem and the environment. Allowing hunters to go for any type of target they are interested in can endanger certain species and create a significant imbalance in the wildlife world.
Illegal hunting presents a real risk for both hunters and animals. However, regulated hunting can be performed with no hazards or threats as long as the rules are obeyed by the practitioners.
What rules should you respect when you want to get into hunting
If you are a beginner in the hunting field, you will have to check out the regulations at your local wildlife management agency and also the regulations provided by the Fish & Wildlife Service of the United States (USFWS).
Make sure to check not only the general hunting laws but also the specific ones that regard the species you are interested in hunting. Some areas will ban hunting of certain species if they are endangered.
At your local wildlife management agency, you will be able to get all the permits you need to perform hunting legally such as a hunting license, different hunting permits as well as required stamps according to your area. It is equally important to check on the activities you are not allowed and be aware of trespassing laws as well as any other regulations that might be enforced in the state you want to hunt in. Owning a hunting license in mandatory in the U.S.
We have to mention that any hunter should follow the regulations and guidelines of the location where they hunt and not their place of birth as this is irrelevant in the hunting industry. It will help to get familiar with the laws in the area before the hunting season starts so you can be fully prepared for it.
Final thoughts
While hunting can be a very exciting sport and even beneficial to maintain a balance in the ecosystem, it is important to perform it correctly in order to keep safety as a priority for everyone involved in such a practice. Both local agencies and the USFWS are in charge of maintaining healthy wildlife for all the species that live in the area as well as a safe environment for hunters to perform their passion. So, it is crucial to follow the established guidelines not only for your sake as a hunter but also for the sake of the animals and the rest of the environment.